Third Batch

Name Now Associated with
Bharati Adhikari NGO/INGO
Deepti Chhetri Budathoki Studying MBA
Jarina Bajracharya Bottlers Nepal
Jenish Mehar Shrestha Nepal Dairy(ND’s)
Madhuri Karna Self Employed
Pratigya Bataju Abroad (U.K)
Saroj Kumar Shrestha Abroad (U.S.A)
Sama Rajbahak Khajuri Food
Shankar Shrestha Abroad Study (Australia)
Pratima Shrestha DFTQC
Romi Maharjan Kathmandu Dairy
Pratiksha Shrestha M.Tech (Dharan)
Munu Shrestha Abroad Study (Australia)
Rojina Maharjan Abroad Study (Australia)
Bishwokanti Shrestha Abroad Study
Abroad Study Abroad Study

Few Words of Students/Parents

  • It is my pleasure and honor to be a graduate from Lalitpur Valley College (LVC). Joining LVC was the best decision of my academic life. Not because LVC provided the excellent infrastructure and academic facilities but also provided me a golden opportunity to further progress my education in one of the prominent universities in the world of food science. I am always grateful to LVC and to my teachers at LVC. I would recommend the upcoming students to join LVC to excel their studies and get the same opportunities as I did.

    Abhitosh Dhungel (Food Science and Engineering)
    Jiangnan University
    Wuxi, Jiangsu
    P. R. China

    Abhinash Dhungel
